These are the topics that we have implemented

⟸ These are the implemented topics ⟹

Topics are
  1. Font used to define functionalities of font
    • Used attributes :
      • face Defines font styles
      • size Defines font size
      • color Defines font color
      • style with text align Defines the position of text within font tag
  2. Tooltip Tooltip is written using [title=""] (The tooltip, also known as infotip or hint, is a common graphical user interface (GUI) element in which, when hovering over a screen element or component, a text box displays information about that element)
  3. Anchor This tag is used to embed a link with a text(Hyperlink)
    • Link within a text
    • Link within a image
    • Used attributes :
      • target ="_main" Used to open the link in another page
  4. Image To add image
  5. Bold Make texts big
  6. Italian Make texts Italian
  7. Underline Make texts underlined
  8. marquee make contents movable
    • Used attributets :
      • behaviour defines the moving attribute of content
      • direction defines in which directin content will move
      • scrollamount defines how fast the content will move
  9. Button Used to make a text or image a clickable button
  10. Break To add a new line
  11. Horizontal line To add a new visible horizontal line [with added colors]
  12. Quotation To insert a content inside a quotaion
  13. Content Editable To make a content editable on the website
  14. Subscript To make a content look like this C + O CO2
  15. Superscript To make a content look like this (a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3
  16. Pre Used to display a text as it is (With the spaces and line break)
  17. section These tag defines a section document
  18. emphasize These tag converts the text into italic to emphasize it
  19. mark These tag marks an important content
  20. del These tag usually strikes a line through the deleted text
  21. span These tag takes as much space as the content needs inside this tag
  22. Table These tag is used to make tables using data
    • Three parts of Table :
      • thead This tag is the header part of a table
      • tbody This tag is the body part of a table
      • tfoot This tag is the footer part of a table
    • rowspan It defines a single column will occupy how many rows
    • colspan It defines a single column will occupy how many columns
    • Example
  23. Form These tag is used to make a form
    • Two parts of Table :
      • label This tag is the header part of a table
      • input This tag is the body part of a table
    • Example
  24. div This tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document
  25. span These tag takes as much space as the content needs inside this tag
  26. dl Description list
    • dt Defines term/name in a decription list
    • dd Describes term/name in a decription list
  27. ul Defines an unordered(bulleted) list using square and round shapes
  28. ol Defines an ordered list using numbers
  29. li Defines a list item
  30. Header Defines header part of a website
  31. Main Defines main part of a website that lies between Header and Footer
  32. Footer Defines footer part of a website